Da verschiedene Vermögensarten, wie Bargeld, Betriebsvermögen, Immobilien oder land- und forstwirtschaftliches Vermögen ungleich bewertet werden, hat das Bundesverfassungsgericht die derzeitige Besteuerung von Erbschaften für verfassungswidrig bewertet...
nedeľa 14. novembra 2010
streda 10. novembra 2010
Free global real estate advertising
GMMO is global real estate advertising portal offering a wide range of property for housing, rent, business traveler as well as various holiday accommodation. For all people is advertising in all categories and all countries for free. We provide also huge lists of self catering accommodations all over the world. Map based searching makes GMMO portal also very attractive for any client and we care for the best user experience. Became one of our clients and use all of this features for free!!!
German version:
Immobilien verkaufen |
English version:
Real estate for sale
French version:
Immobilier vente |
Italian version:
Vendita immobiliare |
Spanish version:
Propiedades inmobiliarias |
Polish version:
Nieruchomosci wynajme |
Slovak version:
Nehnuteľnosti |
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